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I'm Jen...

Hello there - welcome!


You've made it this far down the page, hooray! I imagine this means you have had a glimpse through my photos and like what you see and now you're wondering what kind of person I am and if we'll get along whilst I'm shooting for you. Read on and wonder no more...


I'm sure you'll have noticed from the heading above that my name is Jen. Why did I call my business "Brightography", you ask? Well, my surname is Bright and I live in the heart of wonderful Brighton.

I share my life with my lovely husband Jonny and our two adorable little house rabbits, Lilo & Stitch - if you've ever been a Disney fan in your life, you'll understand where their names came from! Lilo is a black and white Lionhead-cross-Netherland Dwarf and Stitch is a teeny, tiny grey Mini-lop. 


When I'm not behind the camera or my PC, I spend my spare time with Jonny exploring; whether it be Brighton itself (we love being a stone's throw from the sea), hiking through the Sussex countryside or doing our best Judith Chalmers impression and venturing across the world as often as time and money permit. After all that exertion, we love nothing more than binge-watching a good TV box-set or enjoying a nice red wine with good friends and good food, admittedly sometimes via Deliveroo! 


I'm not one of those people that will tell you I was born with a camera in my hand (ouch!), but what I will say is that from the time I have owned even a half-decent camera I have noticed how it has changed my perception of the world around me and helped me to see the really beautiful details in life that I might have previously overlooked. I would encourage anyone with a curious mind to head out with a camera if they haven't before and see this for themselves!


My photography style is informal, relaxed and fun. If you think posing for photos is awkward (come on, doesn't everyone?!) and would rather just have someone capture the moment whilst you get on with enjoying it, then get in touch and tell me all about you (after all, no-one likes a one-sided relationship!).


Speak soon,






"Capture the beauty of today and remember it always"

Say hello...

I'd love to hear from you; call me, email me, or use the contact form below to let me know more about what we can do together!


07791 209293


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